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Saturday, March 15, 2014

Very Important Notice!

Hey Guys!
Okay, so I personally hate it when some very awesome story writers wake up one morning and decide to make their blogs private or semi-private, as in open to some select people only and half the time I have no idea about how to approach these very talened and equally elusive authors and I have to give-up very unwillingly on some of these fantastic stories. Now, I know that I already put my readers through a lot of trouble with my very late updates and then recently by moving from India Forums to this blog exclusively. And so, I wanted to give all my lovely readers a prior notice that there is a very high cahnce that I might be turning my blog into a semi-private thing as well. So, if you want to continue reading my stories please send me your email ids and I'll invite you to the blog once I make it private. You can mail me your ids or PM it to me on IF or just post it under this notice.

Okay, now I do owe you guys an explaination about these changes. The thing is that recently I got to know that one of my stories, 'Shahib, Biwi aur Dusri Aurat' has been published in a bengali newsletter called 'Ebela'. Now, though it has been published under my name, yet, the happening has opened my eyes to the risks of plagerism and these things are just some precautionary and protective measures that I should have taken a long time ago.

Now, a little request (especially to my Bengali readers, I am assuming there are a few.), if you do happen to find the copy of Ebela with my story under my name on it, please let me know. Also, apparently the names of the characters have been changed, so just keep this little thing in mind. Guys, this is a big deal for me and I am desperately trying to find the newsletter but have not been successful yet. So, need some help here. Please help me out.

Loads of love,
Srija Singh.

PS: Just keep a look-out for my other stories as well, if you happen to come across these anywhere but on IF or my blog, just inform me, that would be a great help.


Unknown said...

Hi, I really like your story chamkili and wait for the updates like a crazy person, really sad to hear abt your story being published without your consent.

My email address is and my IF I'd is farheen75.

Anonymous said...

hi, this is disheartening to know about the publishing of ur story without ur consent. hope u take the right action to get justice. although i m a bengali but i live outside so i didnt knew about it.

i've been waiting to read ur stories and update. hope u come back soon. my email address is

now a days i m a bit irregular to catch up with the updates. hope u dont mind giving me a chance to read knowing my tendency to vanish often.

Dilectus said...

I wrote a long comment and when I added my wordpress account, it said its not my identity :(. I am going fr now, will cmnt tomorrow, as I am too sad that I lost my precious comment :(

Anonymous said...

I love all your stories. My fav being "Chamkili" and wait rather impatiently and excitedly for each and every update. :)
Hope to read an update of that story soon?!

Its pretty bad that your story got published without ur consent. I'll try to give you the link, if im able to.

Anyways, here's my email-

Anonymous said...

I just love love loooooove ur ff chamkili.if u make ur blog semi private then plz give me email id is And update soon:)

Sanjana M said...

Hello! I recently came across your blog while FFs, I must say that you have beautiful way of expressing the emotions the characters are feeling. It's simply put, amazing! I'd love to read more of your writing if you are still active and have a semi private blog. My email is